Friday, November 8, 2013

thermotron training Family Guy - Peter Stabs Yogi Bear - bob wiley who- trained Thomas Bannach



 the appointment of Ronald Lampen as its new President, -


- Yogi the Bear-


  1. Family guy Yogi Bear

    Yogi bear gets killed.
    • HD
  2. Family Guy - Peter Stabs Yogi Bear

    Family Guy.




- thomas w bannach manager training Yogi the Bear

When Dave Waterfield Thermotron national service manager former-- replaced roger cannady, who replaced tom bannach, who replaced thomas Patterson, who replaced Bob Wiley--

now ron wiley the former west coast liar and deceiver-- 

said "he heard about you"

and that the office's that Thomas Bannach was manager of

 stuck out like a sore thumb-because of high expenses

- because ever-one was stealing and embezzling all they could steal--

and thomas bannach was druming out and slandering his co-workers
well well--- the sales staff, the securities, the other service "engineer's" told Thomas Bannach
 that his "PETS were stealing every thing-- but Thoman Bannach didn't care --
(this is how loyality is maintained)

and as Thomas Patterson said" gee when you exposed the drunks and thieves"


- well thomas patterson -- quit because he said he didn't hae "Stupid written on his fore=-HEAD"

Yes thermotron management- TEAM- "the circle --jerk-- gang"

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