Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Spectrial Dynamics/ Scientific Alantia

Interesting .. TURN KEY operation Thermotron had.. with LITTON IND.. and thermotron Made DOUG MAHN the senior vibration engineer. the Project manager,,..

well... i guess at the time Doug Mahn didn't really have the training to be a "Qualified senior vibration engineer" he must have been in "Training"..

When Thermotron couldn't get the temperature Chambers to operate within specification.. they blamed it on the Field service engineer.. and then had Hil Sysbesma .. lie to LITTON and tell them .. they "never saw it work at that specification " when the customer was in the factory..!!

and when they.. discovered that thermotron .. was contractally oblicated.. and required to .. provide calibration.. on the Spectrical Dynamics.. they blamed it on their OWN... Field service engineer..

it was n't the Porject manager's .. DOUG MAHN.. fault!! cuzz... he's a company man!!!

so it cost them 26,000 to provide.. that part of the contract..

thes was like ... with the company SYLICONIX.. in SANTA CLARA.. CA...

the customer discovered... that their ..ATS -100- thermo-shock machine.. really didn't ... work ... according to the specifications..

AGAIN... Goood Old.... Doug Mahn... had to be the project man... on this.. and they tried to blame it on the Field service man.

because you are supposted ... to "CONVINCE " THE CUSTOMER .. the it works.. IT dosen't matter if it really..

DOES...----NOT ---REALLY------WORK...

Thomas bannach..... back--stabbed .. the Field SERVICE engineer.. to BILL... BRown... at SYLICONIX... and blamed it on himmm

BECAuse..... like hil sysbesma... and the others...WE --ARE---COMPANY...--- MEN

Monday, August 17, 2009

Training at thermotron, Enseco, Tenny, Russles technical Products

Uuu can get help.. in trainig.. with the right or WRONG people..!!

until... you ... finally fit in//???


Bo Bjarno had a sales method.. with was..

1. get the customer DRUNK and find out how much budget they "really" have.

2. Get your Co-worker DRUNK and find out what they "really" think !!

3. Find a reason to get Drunk every day..

4.. MOST IMPORTANT .. Hide the fact that you are a DRUNK !!

HOW 2 B a thief

Gregory V Johnson... method was..

1. Lie to the customer and "convince them 2 sign off on the equipment "!!

2. Steal as much stuff .. from the customer and your co-workers..

3. Blame it on the people you work with..

4. Blame it on the building cleaning staff..

5. Tell the manager .. u know who "really" did it.. Hil sysbesma.. also knows

6. LIE about it... and Lie again..

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

THERMOTRON.. no training necessary..Bbbee some-BODY

Ya in the Environmental chamber business... it's easy to Beee a suck.. sess..

Ask the GANG... on the WEST Coast

All Temp Engineering .. REAL.. field service engineer's

Yes... at Alll temp engineering... they have REAL... field service trained personell..

not the pretend type ... that was manufactured by thermotron... and Thomas bannach..

yes... at ALL TEMP ENGINEERING... they know how to SPELL..

ENguineeER..!!!.. WHERE AT THERMOTRON... they need to GOOglE that word..

Tom Bannach’s Experience
Bannach Consulting & Service

Service manager
Thermotron Industries
(Privately Held; 201-500 employees; Machinery industry)

1968 — 1998 (30 years)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

All Temp Engineering... Alll along the watchtower

Need... some help??

Don't ask Mitch Kerr... there is a 90% chance he will lie to you anyway!!

but he did HOOK-UP.. with the ALPHA DOG...

Ya that's just the way it is in the Environmental Chamber Business..

Look who he got his training.. with... to be a Service Manager...!!

At thermotron... the Service managers Brag what liars and deceivers. were..

And AAAAAAAAAAT .. ENSECO INC.. his training was with

BIG... BUnnn... and and his SON... "Dumb as they COMMMMMmmm "

Goood thing it dosen't take much to be a service DISPATCHEr..!!!

DEAN TRIPP... From Thermotron... also trained .. Mitch Kerr... and John Dane..

Hmmmm what does that tell Uuuuuu ???

Friday, August 7, 2009


all temp engineering... Field service

i do agree that all temp engineering .. with Mitch Kerr and John Dane

is a better choice than using Thermotron Field Service Engineers

But it surprised me when Mitch Kerr bragged that he knew that ENSECO chamber company that they had worked for .. did n't hire a guy because the Thermotron Field service technicians..(who themselves.. ) bragged that they were GOOG Liars and back-BITERS
said that the guy carried a Luggage bag..!!

and then called it a purse BEHIND HIS BACK !!

THIS field service crew... was .. managed by Thomas Bannach.. and Dean Tripp..

two of Mitch Kerr's and John Danes's ..

former co-workers.. and former manager's at Thermotron..

These Managers also Bragged... that every-one would believe their LIES..

and they could lible and slander any's one's Character...

Yes as Thomas Patterson said...

Daniel J Okeefe.. the CEO of Thermotron ... brought a whole ...NEW level..

of lies and deceite..

and as HIL SYSBESMa .. said... embezzlement is not "REALLY" stealing..!!

it's called ... working the system..

as FRED PLONT... about this... level.. of fraud..

or even better ... ask Bo BJARNO... he conspired and worked with thomas Bannach..

until they .. conspired and defrauded .. Him!!

Yes it is true... Thermotron...DOES N O T... provide .. trained and qualified


every one is taught to lie to the customer and 2 each other !!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

FORMER Thermotron employee .. Backstabber

AT thermotron you are taught to be a backstabber... by the management team.. weather this is .. service sales.. or even the parts depertment ..

employee's at thermotron will bragg .. what good liars they are and deceivers..

Even at All temp engineering.. in san jose.. with

Mitch Kerr... and John dane..

they may and have told.. former employee's of thermotron who they were slandered .. and "back-- stabbed!!!

even to the point that other companies will choose not to hire you... because of the character Assination !!

BUT... it is probably better... to hire.. ALL TEMP ENGINEERING for your service work...

because at Thermotron.. they .. do not provide qualified.. and trained.. employees..

they are tought to lie to the customer ..

and try to "convince" them to sign off on the equipment .. or the repair..

Mitch Kerr.. used to tell me ... YES... thermotron does make "Lemons"

and i guess John dane did a fine job...turning it into

LEMON---AID !!! ..

and you really... should not hire the people from and who reresent" TENNY chambers"

when i talked with them in pensavana a few years age.. they didnt know how to make their service department work..

and EVEN Thennn... they said ALL Temp ENGINEERING was their competition..

and besides... with Hil Sysbesma.. working there...you would be a FOOL to have any business... with HIM..

all though... he did tell me... he called up "Marty Rich"..to perform some repairs.. for TENNY...

But ... Back--stabbers--- are common in the environmental.. chamber business..

At thermotron.. they will also teach you to steal.. and embezzle... WOW ... What a DEAL !!

All backstabbers share a common denominator; they all want something from you.

Whether it is money, homework, a house to trash, your computer, your style, practically anything, varies from person to person.

Be aware of your surroundings.

If you have a bad feeling about somebody, listen to your instincts!

Pay attention to red flags.

If somebody betrays you, don't trust that person again without extensive consideration.

If the other person doesn't have friends of his or her own, there may be a reason. Perhaps other people know something that you don't.

If someone is mean to you one minute and nice to you the next, there is definitely something wrong.

If someone is too aggressive or tries too hard to sell you on something, he or she is likely setting you up.

Trust your real friends. They're here to help you.

Notice the other person's work ethic. If he or she is lazy and irresponsible, stay away from the person as far as anything that requires hard work goes.

If you work hard, he or she will use you in a heartbeat!

Notice how he treats things you care about. For instance if you really care that your room is clean, and after you've explained this to him he still comes over, throws his backpack on the ground, takes his shoes off in the middle of the room and so on; this means he doesn't really care about you.

Try to detect from an early stage what the backstabber is interested in sucking from you.

If the backstabber persists in pestering you, either ignore him or tell him dispassionately that you do not want to do (insert activity here).

Be polite, but extremely firm. If they detect a weakness in your firmness, they will try as hard as they can to puncture it.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

highly trained field service engineer thermotron

ya ask mitch kerr or john dan about their training at thermotron

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thermotron sales...man.. never change

ya i got an e mail... from mr Bo Bjarno.. and i guess the 2 years he worked for thermotron .. were less that satis--factory...

BUT ... he came on the sein..sean..seen...on...sight..

the same way... he left... thermotron..

He arrived .. by.. Drumming out Joyce Palmer... and creating a drama .. and hassle.. in the california off.. with thomas bannach... the west coast reginal ... liar and dispatcher..

this was followed... by 4 other personal.. changes... in the course of 2 years...

this is an example of the type of job ... that thermotron Human resourses.. does.. in holland michigan..

people like ... Tamera kennedy... or BOB..the. Barber...

ya the next was .securtary was ..Von..... followed by chryl (black).. then vergina Norris.. follow by... her replacement.. after bo bjarno..

was told to "HIt the door.. "

and don't let it hit you in the ASS...

nine months ... later ... i was drummed out....

when... Thermotron's Human Resourses..people like tamera kennedy...

they called me up and asked ... what i wanted for my

5....YEAR AWARD...???...!!!!

i asked them... and said...

i think i am being drummed out by thomas bannach...

because gregory v johnson... is stealing more and lying with new lies...

but everyone... denies... they are the problem...

So thermotron Human Resourses....

why don't you ... call up thomas bannach... and ask him....

because thomas bannach....ALWAYS ...LIES...... 2.....ME!!!!1

ya it's like talking to a Sales ...Man....

As mike... Barrs... said... when i was later working at Russles Technicial Products..

"If a sales ...man...lips are moving... then U know he is lying...

and at thermotron... lying... cheating...deceiving.. and defrauding people...

is the game plan...


as the bible says..... the thermotron thief comes to "lie, cheat , and steal"