Friday, November 8, 2013

thermotron training Family Guy - Peter Stabs Yogi Bear - bob wiley who- trained Thomas Bannach



 the appointment of Ronald Lampen as its new President, -


- Yogi the Bear-


  1. Family guy Yogi Bear

    Yogi bear gets killed.
    • HD
  2. Family Guy - Peter Stabs Yogi Bear

    Family Guy.




- thomas w bannach manager training Yogi the Bear

When Dave Waterfield Thermotron national service manager former-- replaced roger cannady, who replaced tom bannach, who replaced thomas Patterson, who replaced Bob Wiley--

now ron wiley the former west coast liar and deceiver-- 

said "he heard about you"

and that the office's that Thomas Bannach was manager of

 stuck out like a sore thumb-because of high expenses

- because ever-one was stealing and embezzling all they could steal--

and thomas bannach was druming out and slandering his co-workers
well well--- the sales staff, the securities, the other service "engineer's" told Thomas Bannach
 that his "PETS were stealing every thing-- but Thoman Bannach didn't care --
(this is how loyality is maintained)

and as Thomas Patterson said" gee when you exposed the drunks and thieves"


- well thomas patterson -- quit because he said he didn't hae "Stupid written on his fore=-HEAD"

Yes thermotron management- TEAM- "the circle --jerk-- gang"

Monday, November 4, 2013

Thermotron management training - Thinking Out Loud-- talk to Fred Plont--

Mad With Power - thomas Bannach- he payed his dues-- thermotron management training


when i worked at thermotron--

Thomas bannach  when he replaced tom Patterson-- as the National service manager-- his 1st assignment-- was to harass and drum out Jeff scholtie-- out in the Texas office--

Thomas Bannach said it was ok -- as a manager to lie ,cheat steal embezzle, defraud and lible and slander your co workers-- and lead them astray-- to assassinate their character

Because Every one he knows is like that!!

The management motto-- is what drove him-- as Danile j okeefe-- assigned him as the West Coast manager--

he then established dean tripp, hil sybesma, and Gregory V Johnson-- as his co conspirators--

and proceded to lible and slander and drum out  every one else--

why ?? because it is ok-- to lie cheat defraud and steal and slander every - one  

so long as you get away with it and blame it on some one else

interesting thing about holland michigan and thermotron, is that the managers i delt with all bragg with liers and deceivers..they are..

when ROn Wiley was the thermotron west coast manager, dispatcher, "good old boy"

I was working at Litton Ind and just set up an test lab for them in Oregon i hired and trained the new staff and when Ron Wiley sent up 3 thermotron field service technicians, all 3 combined barley made up one complete person..

But they have to get their training somewhere.. one customer at time...

Then Ron Wiley dispatehed a unskilled and un qualified employee from washington state to perform the start up on an vibration shaker..

his only training at thermotron was they told him it was "roundand blue " and it fit under the chamber..

after a week of trying to get it to work.. he concluded that the logic moduel was bad..

40 hours for that..

But he did know where the "Hidden Buttons" were on the chamber temperature controller..

the 3 other field service engineers Ron Wiley dispatched didn't have a clue..

when i asked if he could do a operational performance over view for the 13 men i had hired in the test lab ,

Ron wiley and Dave waterfield said thermotron no longer does that for customers..

Ron Wiley asked
me if i remembered Berry Wright who was a Tom Bannach replacement.. and he quit thermotron when dave waterfield gave him a Dan O'keefe review.. policy .. find some thing they did wrong and make a big deal about it.. so u don't have to give then a raise.. he quit as the West Coast Manager,

and Fred Plont had a lot of backstabbing words to say about that ... but as i said to fred Plont.. "what'sit to u ?" and freds reply was " Well he won't be able to find a better job where u don't have to work very hard" as fred's claim to fame is being a lazy lying 2 faced back stabber and embezzler.. u can see why he is a long ter m
Thermotron employee..

Heck.. Bob Wiley hired him twice!!!

any way... because Holland Michigan is know as the West Coast Hipocroits..
and Thermotron is a great place to see all the different types of liars, thieves and embezzlers,

all of them fit into howard pittmans profile on who is going to Hell..

Howard Pittman's Testimony

On August 3, 1979, Howard Pittman, a Baptist minister for 35 years, died while on the operating table during surgery and had a near-death experience. After angels showed him the second and third heavens, he was taken before the very Throne of God where he was given a message to share with the world.