when Mitch kerr former thermotron employee..
bragged that ENSECO chamber company didn't hire .. a service Man from thermotron..
he sait it was because the Management team and the west coast service YES boy's.. were
BACK --stabbing their co-workers..
Mitch Kerr's replacement .. Gregory V Johnson .. bragged that it didn't matter what lies U said.. or who you robbed.. so long as you
Tell thermotron management team..
what ever LIES they want2 hear
When Thermotron hired some LOW-LIFE Sales man.. to replace bill Sloniker..
mitch quit.. because .. Mitch Kerr .. put in his bid.. for that Job position
and .. woke -up and smelled the coffee
.. when he saw the .. people .. that thermotron Human Resourses.. hired!!!
of choosing him for ..
Branch Salesman..(low life ) and then Branch service man..(thief and liar) DUh..
then the replacement for the secratary..(special ed) Duh..
Yes... thermotron always has employment openings.. and opportunity..
if you are a prostitute
Good People don't work at thermotron 2 long..
especally when Human Resourses.. are retarded and perverts