ANY... way... mitch and john.. were to 1st service employee's
of All Temp Engineering..
all thou .. i was told Bruse Butler followed them there.. from ENSECO but john cut him loose 2 soon..
and Marty Rich said.. Bruce almost lost his house.. because .. he had 2 find another job.. booo whooo... big tear's
now Thomas bannach ... replaced mitch Kerr with Gregory V Johnson
Tom Bannach’s ExperienceOwner
Bannach Consulting & Service
(Photography industry)
January 2000 — Present (9 years 9 months)
Bannach Consulting & Service specializes in:
• 2D and 3D mechanical, electrical, HVAC drafting and design services for the manufacturing industry
• Consulting services for general CAD drafting and design projects, CAD standards creation and CAD conversions
Service manager
Thermotron Industries
(Privately Held; 201-500 employees; Machinery industry)
1968 — 1998 (30 years)
mitch kerr.. replacement (gregory v johnson) was hired by ENSECO after receiving training by Thomas Bannach and Thermotron..
Randy Bunn fired Gregory V Johnson , who was Thomas Bannach's pet
.. FOR BEING A THIEF.. AN EMBEZZLER.. with in 5 months..
they had to go to Gregory's house on the weekend .. to fire him because they could never find him on the job..
Well the Office staff in the SanJose.. told Thomas Bannach this... but it did not matter..to Roger Cannary or Daniel J okeefe the CEO and presdent..
the Funny part is Dave Waterfield said.. Gregory V johnson's office "stood out like a SORE THUMB" with high expenses..
because thomas Bannach as the west Coast manager and Deanb tripp.. as his flunky whore.. were in on the Game..
Fred Plont.. said people who R not stealing or embezzling.. are playing a "higher level game"!!
Gregory V was
UNder Thomas Bannach's wing.. for 3 years...
he was able to steal and rob his co-workers and the customer.. on the average of $20,00 / year..
now this is in line with ...
Fred Plont ..
who said he didn't have to work at ENSECO and make the BIG UNION WAGE.. because .. he only worked a few hours a day..
and charged THermotron... 8,10,12 hours..
one GOOD EXAMPLE.. of this was .. when Hil Sysbesma, and Fred Plont were installing a system in Plebo COLO..
they only worked 10 hours on day .. and charged their time at 18 hours a day..
and they taught their co-workers.. that it was OK to falsy their time.. on the job.. or travel time...
DEAN TRIPP an old time Senior Field service engineer.. was another who.. taught that you should "GO heavy " on your travel time and your work hours"
and the customer "DESERVES A FREE LUNCH"
aNY WAY.. Mitch kerr and John Dane.. were taught .. by these thieves and perverts..
so they do know the difference..
Gregory V Johnson.. bragged how he and Thomas Bannach drummed out their co-workers..
ask gregory v johnson about the embezzlement rate... he bragged that he was not as big of thief as hil sysybesma..
Carmichael, CA
Citrus Heights, CA
at THERMOTRON it dosen't matter what lies you say about any one.. or what u steal.. because you say what ever you have to say.. and do what ever u have to do!!
and you are supposted to tell the management at thermotron what ever they want to hear .. it dosen't matter if it is true or not !!
and you are supposted to "convince" the customer to sign off on the equipment..
it dosen't matter if it works or NOT !!